How to have a healthy sleep routine?

Malaysians do get less sleep. At an average of 6.4 hours a day, the average sleep of an adult consists of a minimum of 8 hours. A lot of people spend time on their work, and since they are connected 24/7, their sleep routines have taken a turn.

Everybody has a human clock which allows them to do work after enough sleep. WIth lesser hours spent on sleep, it would turn the entire body mechanism more sleep deprived than ever. Having loss of sleep and no food is the top reasons to be bitter all the time.

Malaysians spend more than 15 hours at their workplace in a week, but their productivity seems to take a toll causing a considerable loss in productivity. There might be many reasons, but one of the most important reason is that most Malaysians might be sleepdeprived.healthy sleep routine

Here are a few ways for a healthy sleep cycle

Practice good sleep hygiene.

This is the most common advice you are going to hear. Maintaining a healthy sleep cycle gives you a better start to the day, and one would be able to able to concentrate on any assigned tasks for the day.

One way to maintain a sleep cycle for adults is to keep a single shift at your workplace. By doing this, you could maintain a constant time frame for sleep like as in the day or might. If your shift changes regularly, so does your body clock listening to your rhythm.

Use the bed only to sleep

It almost sounds funny. With more technologies entering our home like mobile phones, computers, tablets and much more, we use our beds to work or to have fun more than sleep. When you try to use the bed to sleep at the end of the day, your body would be accustomed to the place, and one would not be able to find sleep very soon. Only go to sleep when you are sleepy, your body will get tuned to your bed, and you would get sleep immediately.

Good exercise stimulates sleep

If you sleep just after hitting the gym, your muscles will start relaxing and would show no effect on your body. Instead of working out in the morning or only at least 3 hours before bed would be the best. It would help you to sleep better because exercise stimulates the body and the brain.

Maintain a healthy diet

A lot of junk consumed is shown not only in the body but also in your sleep patterns. Consuming junk-free foods helps you in maintaining a better sleep cycle. Avoid caffeine induced foods during the night because it would keep you awake till it wears out, at least before three hours before sleep.

Nap whenever needed

A ten-minute to twenty-minute power nap in the day would help you maintain the balance for the night. But oversleeping in the afternoon would never allow you to sleep at night. Make sure you are busy in the afternoon with some activities.

Evaluate your room

After every option fails, it would be better to evaluate your room to understand where precisely the problem underlies. Ensure whether your room lights are dark and have an ideal temperature of about 60 to 70 Fahrenheit. Also, make sure your room is free from any other disturbances like loud noise or any other problems.

See a sleep doctor

Consider visiting the doctor in the end after trying out every step mentioned above. They would be able to analyze your sleep patterns and provide you with the most accurate solution.



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